Tourist logo project of the town of TRYAVNA
The unique look of Tryavna is due to its generations of master builders who built churches, bridges, schools. Generations which created the original and beautiful Tryavna houses. Tryavna is home of the oldest Renaissance schools of art – the Tryavna school, which includes three main directions: icon painting, wood carving and construction. Combined with the region’s beautiful natural landmarks, Tryavna has been an exciting tourism destination from as early as the start of the 20th century.
The main idea of the project is to present Tryavna’s rich centuries-old culture, in combination with its youthful, modern, welcoming and sunny atmosphere.
Taking into account the extremely diverse profile of the target audience, we opted for a graphic system based on clearly recognizable symbols:
- The Clock Tower – the most prominent symbol of the city, part of the only preserved Renaissance architectural ensemble in the country;
- The Sun-carved Ceilings – exquisite examples of the oldest Bulgarian school of art, which still light up the Tryavna home today.
The graphic holds the idea of direction, a compass, as a symbol of travel. The combination of symbols allows us the develop new design elements. The whole sign or individual parts of it can be transformed into elements for different applications, while remaining clearly recognizable as part of the motif. All of elements we have used exemplify the diversity of today’s Tryavna – a city with a thousand-year history and unique cultural monuments.
The font (Bremen Bd BT) integrated into this style, is clear, legible, with definite forms and the same phonetic structure in both Cyrillic and Latin versions.
The colour scheme has saturated, bright tones reduced to their graphic equivalents:
- orange, which symbolizes the warm colours of wood, the sun, hospitality.
- black, which creates contrast, emphasizes, and enhances the brightness of the main colour.
The two additional colours can be used in different layouts, as a background for the logo or to soften the palette.