Logo design Bulgarian Tourism Charter 2020

During this difficult year, the Bulgarian tourism industry signed the Charter of Bulgarian Tourism 2020. The document declares the industry-wide commitment to meet the expectations, of both domestic and international tourists, to take measures and create a safe environment, in the context of the pandemic Covid-19, across accommodation, food and entertainment venues. The point of the Charter is to outline a clear methodology for restarting the sector in a timely, responsible, and successful manner.
Effective visual communication is essential in addressing public audiences today. In a world as interconnected and dynamic as ours, visual design assists in the attraction and retention of an increasingly erratic public eye. We believe that this is even more crucial in the case of important public relations documents. This is the reason why we have created a logo that synthesizes the ideas of the proposed Charter of Bulgarian Tourism.
The sign symbolizes dynamism, progress, breaking the boundaries and upward movement. Together with the colors of spring and rebirth, of nature and purity, the associations help accurately communicate the principles of the Charter.

The logo will be the basis of the information campaign and we will know at a glance that an object accepts and applies these principles.
The tourist companies supporting the CHARTER OF TOURISM will receive both the written document with all the recommendations and steps for their implementation, and a sticker that will send a message to the client that he is in a place that is committed to comply with it and fulfill its obligations. with care for the health and comfort of the user, in an environmentally friendly and safe environment.